Kitchen Nightmares: Amy's Baking Company (original version)

I just want to start off by saying, iff you want an answer at the end, prepare to be disappointed , There just isn't one.
You've probably heard of Amy's Baking Company in scottsdale, AZ,                                                                                                                                              if you haven't it's an Italian themed eateery where the owners insult their customers and steal tips from their servers.
This is a FACT. Look it up.
Amy and Samy spent over S1,000,000 on this palce...yes One Million Dollars.
Then they abandoned it.
They blamed their customers for being "ungrateful assholes", and said their employees where "disloyal".
that's where the factual nature of their story ends.
No i think the reason they shut it was not any of thse things, i think it was Kitchen Nightmares
why do i think this you ask it's because one day i happened upon a shady website on the internet that boasted an "unaired KN episode" that was the original cut of Amy's Baking Company, I was eager to watch it because I wanted to see what  fucking insufferable cunts Amy and Samy where behind the scenes, I turned my volume up pressed play and prepared for the cringe, th eepisode began with Ramsay going in to meet with amy and Samy at the beginning of the episode only the restaurant appeared much more decrepit in this version and the footage was very low quality in places, in some parts it even had a line running up and down simmilar to that of a crappy VHS tape, it got to the part where Ramsay was observing the dinner service, except in this version instead of saying that she hopes... it... hurts him, she says" I hope it kills him", I realized that what she said must've been edited in the released version as i felt what she said sounded strange as if it had been sentenced mixed like a youtube poop.
it then got o the scene where he was telling her that her food was bad, this is where things got stange, when he goes to tell thrm about what was wrong with the food but in this version, as he does Amy pulls out a knife and stabs him in the arm, blood shot out from the stab wound like oil from a gusher, "WHAT THE FUCKIS WRONG WITHYOU YOU FUCKING CUNT! he shouts at her before using his other arm to pull outhis phone and contact the police, but before he can Amy plunges the knife into his throat , blood spyays profusely  fom the deep wound in his kneck, after 5 seconds he is lying motionless on the floor.
Amy and Samy then proceed to force the 2 customers i n the store out at gunpoint before turning the gas on in the oven runing outside  and  throwing a match  through a vent, the whole restaurant explodes and they flee from the scene, hoping that the fire has destroyed all evidence of the murder they comited.
after i finished watching the episode, i quickly checked to see whether there were any news reports of this, and there were none, to this day i have no idea how this could've been possible, or whether the man in the episode was actually Chef Ramsay himself or not, and I don't think I ever will, since the website I found the episode on mysteriously vanished 4 minutes later.